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Friday, February 25, 2011

Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon (蜂蜜和肉桂粉的神奇療效) ?



一本加拿大著名的杂志 “Weekly World News”于1995/1/17曾发表,蜂蜜和肉桂的混合物能治愈大多数疾病。

The combination of honey and cinnamon has been used in both oriental and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind and honey’s popularity has continued throughout history. The two ingredients with unique healing abilities have a long history as a home remedy. Cinnamon’s essential oils and honey's enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide qualify the two “anti-microbial” foods with the ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi. Both are used not just as a beverage flavoring and medicine, but also as an embalming agent and are used as alternatives to traditional food preservatives due to their effective antimicrobial properties. People have claimed that the mixture is a natural cure for many diseases and a formula for many health benefits:

1) HEART DISEASES: Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread instead of using jam or butter and eat it regularly for breakfast.

2) ARTHRITIS: Apply a paste made of the two ingredients on the affected part of the body and massage slowly.


3) HAIR LOSS: Apply a paste of hot olive oil, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath, leave it for 15 min and wash.

4) BLADDER INFECTIONS: Mix cinnamon powder and honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink.

5) TOOTHACHE: Apply a paste of cinnamon powder and honey and on the aching tooth.

6) CHOLESTEROL: Add honey to cinnamon powder mixed in boiled water or green tea and drink.
胆固醇:二大匙蜂蜜和三大匙肉桂粉加入16盎司的茶,给有胆固醇的病患喝,二个小时内可减少血液里10%胆固醇。一天三次可减少胆固醇含量。从一本医学杂志里得到的讯息:Medical Journal表示,每日饭后食用纯的蜂蜜可减少胆固醇。
舒缓血糖升高 :吃甜品时加入一些肉桂,将能够舒缓吃甜食后血糖剧增的情形。

7) COLDS: Make a glass of lukewarm honey water mixed with cinnamon powder to help boost your immune system during the cold season. It may also help to clear your sinuses.

8) INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on a spoonful of honey taken before food relieves acidity.

9) LONGEVITY: Regularly take tea made with honey and a little cinnamon powder.

10) PIMPLES: Mix honey with cinnamon powder and apply paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash away the next morning.

11) OBESITY: To reduce weight, daily drink a mixture of a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder boiled in water with an empty stomach in the morning about half an hour before breakfast. Read: Cinnamon and Honey Recipe.

Cinnamon has an insulin boosting property (water soluble compounds called polyphenol type A polymers)which have the ability to boost insulin activity about 20 fold and can benefit people who have high sugar levels (obese people, pre-diabetics and diabetics ). Also, read the honey hibernation diet theory to find out how honey contributes to the metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid, provides a fuelling mechanism for the body, keep blood sugar levels balanced, and let our recovery hormones get on with burning body fat stores.

12) BAD BREATH: Gargle with honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water so that breath stays fresh throughout the day.


Honey plus cinnamon together besides being a amazing potential cure for so many illnesses, their total fragrant, sweet and warm taste is also a perfect match for the palate. The combination adds a magic effect to the taste of cakes, breads, biscuits and rolls and is known to make many winning recipes in the world of delicious food, such as the famous, easy-to-make, kids' favourite classic - honey and cinnamon butter toast!





疲劳 :近期的研究显示,蜂蜜的含糖量对人体的帮助大于伤害。有食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉的老年人比较灵活。针对这题材已完成广泛研究的Dr. Milton表示,当活力减少时,可每天刷牙后及午后三点左右喝一杯水加半匙蜂蜜及少量肉桂粉,一星期活力就会增加。



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